Run: Easy Previous Next


7:40 PM

8.2 mi


9:22 mi


143 lb
146 bpm
185 bpm


85 F


7 / 10
6 / 10
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This run was surprisingly fun. This morning's run, one of the first runs to make the heat a challenge, was a beat-down for an easy run. The heat made me hurt from early on, so I was dreading the evening run. I needed to make up mileage for missing a long run this week, though, so I was committed to doing it. All I did, really, was keep the first 3 miles extra easy, then the 4th mile went by fast since I was running in unfamiliar territory. By the end of mile 4, the sun was coming down and I could tell it was a few degrees cooler without the sun on my shoulders. I told myself I'd keep it easy through mile 6, then have fun with mile 7, then cool down. There was a lot of wind in mile 6, but the pace was still a nice break from the monotony. I'm glad I wasn't having to do a tempo run, though.
