Run: Tempo Run Previous Next


7:15 AM

8.3 mi


7:43 mi


143 lb
163 bpm
185 bpm


71 F


10 / 10
8 / 10
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Average pace for the 6 miles was 6:35.

HR-based tempo run. I'm still tired from this week's runs, and my HR was a little high in the warm up, perhaps due to some extra stress from work this week. But, this run's results were OK. Now, it hurt like a mother, but the results were OK. These are always so uncomfortable in the beginning of the season. My HR profile didn't look nearly as bad as it felt. For this reason, it's a little low in miles 2-4. I was 2-2 breathing from pretty early on, like mile 2.5 or something. This basically felt like a 6-mile race. That's more than likely just the out-of-shape-ness that comes from not doing these workouts since months ago.

This is a good clip faster than I was doing these workouts even in the cold of winter last year, so it's a good sign. The average pace on this would be faster if I had negative-split the laps, and faster still if it were 40 degrees.

Training Plan Entry

Tempo Run

8 mi

hr-based tempo run
