Run: Easy Previous Next


16 km


5:13 km


163.6 lb


Really wanted to get to 16k. Felt ok but could tell I was running slow right from the start. Got to the end of the forest and ignored my better instincts and kept going. Ran through Westminster and down the TVP. Turned around at the top of the hill after the bridge. Checked my watch and was at 42 mins. As soon as I turned around I felt this weight descend on me. Really thought I was on my way to a death march. Managed to keep moving forward for the next 10 mins or so and then started to feel better. Got back on the trails and just stopped thinking and just ran. Before I knew it I was at the base of the 1st hill. Made a point of running it well and then started to feel better. Hit the bottom of the stairs and checked the watch and saw that I was on pace for a surprising even split. Ran the rest of the trails evenly. Once I got back on the road I tried to run faster. Ran the final 1.2k home in 5:12. Not bad at all.

Something to build on. Also I should probably drink more if I am planning on running around in the sun and heat. Just a thought.
