Run: Long Previous Next


3:00 PM

15.2 mi


7:01 mi


139.5 lb


59 F


6 / 10
7 / 10
  • Map

Home to Work


Good run home from work today. Got stuck waiting for the bathroom so I could change, and it was the same guy that took a while last night when I was waiting. At least I know he washes his hands, although I didn't really need to know that he always starts singing as he does so and then knocks on the door before opening it and coming out of the bathroom.

My mind wandered quite a bit, especially in the early and middle miles. Probably why those miles were all mid/high 6s. Averaged 7 minute pace over the span of the run, added some loops on in my neighborhood to bring the distance over 15 miles. The sun set around the time I originally got to my road, and it didn't get dark until I was in my last mile of the run.

About 5 and a half miles into the run, I managed to maintain a 6:40 pace as I took off my shirt, got it around my waist (under my coat that was already there) and then get the coat off so I could take out my head lamp from the pocket, put that on, and then replace the coat.

My right foot was a little achy towards the end of the run, but not enough to make me cut the run short.

I am really hungry now, though. I had a granola bar and some twizzlers and a few glasses of gatorade when I finished, but that was an hour and a half ago. Waiting another 10 minutes for the stuffed peppers to finish cooking and then I'm gonna mow down on 2 or 3 of 'em (made 3 peppers total, so 6 halves).
