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8:00 AM

4 mi


1:00:00 mi

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Walked around Olympia to the museums on Tuesday. The tour buses dominated the town during the morning so very glad that we went to the ruins on Monday. We hit the Archaelogical Museum, and the Olympic Games Museums (both ancient and modern.)

After a 5 hour bus trip back to Athens, we wandered around to find a cheesy snow globe for Abby's boss and got adopted by a mongrel. We managed to lose it down a side street, but when we were sitting at dinner it sniffed us out and came back to hang out again. We've been trying to avoid the dogs and cats in the streets since we don't want fleas. The waiter chased it away for us and we didn't see it again.

Went back to the hotel to plan out a hiking trip for Wednesday morning and then went back to get some dessert (for Erin) and Ouzo (for me) before turning in for the evening. We're on the same side of hte hotel now as Erin's folks and sister had been the first 3 days and it is MUCH quieter.
