Run: Long Previous Next


8:00 AM

13.5 mi


9:38 mi


139.5 lb


55 F


3 / 10
4 / 10


Today was interesting. Got to Bradbury, saw the ranger so I bought a park pass. (It's good for almost all of the Maine State Parks, which is a bonus.) Now I don't have to remember cash when I go to run there almost every week. Yay.

Ran for 25 minutes or so up to the top of the mountain and back down. Saw the ranger in the parking lot, so I chatted with her for 20 minutes or so before continuing my run.

Saw Val and Linda 8 miles or so into the run. Stopped my watch and forgot to restart it. Whoops. Did lots of running back and forth as Val and I ran ahead and then went back for Linda (her longest run ever, she's doing great for just 6 months into her running career.)

On my watch, I had 10.75 miles and an hour 47. Add about 23 miles and 2+ miles for about my total distance. (ish)
