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6:01 AM

1.7 mi


9:33 mi


143.5 lb


32 F


4 / 10
3 / 10
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I went to bed last night with my right knee aching a bit. I woke up this morning with it aching a bit more, especially when I walked around.

This had me worried some, but I decided that it was worth giving the knee a 10 minute test. If I could get out and run for 10 minutes and it doesn't hurt any more (or at the very least isn't acutely painful) then I'd keep going, otherwise I'd go back home and stop.

I didn't quite make it 10 minutes before turning around. The knee certainly didn't feel any better but it didn't really get any worse, either, except when my leg was sliding at a weird angle.

And therein lie the problem. Because it had been raining all night and I thought temperatures had been just over freezing, I didn't bother putting on screw shoes. However, in between the pockets of slush were pockets of black ice, and I kept slipping around enough that it was bugging my knee and I was worried I was going to fall.

So, I decided to turn around and finish my 10 minute test in the direction of the house so that I could at least change into screw shoes.

On the way home, I passed 2 people stuck in their driveways despite the lack of snow, one of which was a mini-van spinning its tires in a perfectly flat driveway and the other a car that had a driveway with a hill but had driven off the driveway and into the snowbank next to it.

I decided that I don't really want to get hit by a car again, especially given the poor visibility with the fog, so I didn't even make it 2 miles total. As I was writing this, a plow went by as well and I definitely don't trust them.

Hopefully this evening the knee pain is completely gone and I can try for a long run.
