Run: Tempo Previous Next


5:13 AM

10 mi


7:29 mi


162 bpm
185 bpm


66 F
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3mi warm up, 3mi tempo + 4x20s strides, cool down until 10.

Added an extra mile to the warm up to give me a little bit more time to wake the body up this morning. This felt good for a morning tempo, but that's not a very high bar to clear. Was shooting for a 6:40 to start out, so I was pretty happy with where things landed overall. Last half mile or so felt a bit tougher than it should have. Strides felt meh. Finished those around 7 miles in. Miles 8 and 9 felt super slow and shitty, but for some reason I felt great over the last mile.

I got duped into thinking the Bucks were contenders again. 3rd year in a row they are getting embarrassed out of the playoffs. Fool me once... On the bright side, I got a good amount of sleep last night because I could turn the game off with 3 minutes left in the 3rd.
