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1:33 PM

18.1 mi


11:47 mi


165.6 lb
148 bpm
165 bpm


34 F


7 / 10
7 / 10
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Lake Fairfax

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Interesting run. Bob said try it, so I did, and it worked. Thanks Bob! Six loops of the Lake Fairfax 3 mile course. This course has everything: single track, rocks, roots, two stream crossings, gravel roads, pavement, and grassy open fields, all in three miles. Plus snow! Set up my aid station (my car) at the start so I could reload my fuel belt and pick up a PB and honey sandwich and an Ensure along the way. You know how some runs midway through seem like they're a bad idea and you should just go home? That was this run. But on the next to last loop, I started feeling much better and was actually looking forward to the final, seventh loop (planned to go 21-22 miles. But, a friendly park employee pulled up beside me as I was finishing the sixth loop and informed me that he was locking the gate (it was dusk and I had my headlamp on after all). So I reluctantly called it a day. I'll be back!
