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7:30 AM

31 mi


11:36 mi


149.8 lb


40 F


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Hashawha Hills 50km Trail Run

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Ran the VHTRC's Hashawha Hills 50km Trail Run ( in Westminster, MD. 30 minute 50K PR for me! Great course, two 15 mile loops that included a couple miles of pavement and gravel road, but mostly single track and fire road. Very hilly, reminded me of the HAT Run and even Mountain Masochist at times.

As usual, I went out too fast, but hey it's a race after all! Started to feel yucky earlier than usual, around mile 11, but kept working it and the main thing, I ate A LOT. I decided to keep the calories high, and that seemed to work for me. Great aid stations; the chicken noodle soup and peirogies hit the spot. No cramping today, a good sign that hydration and electrolytes were in check.

Nice DM presence at this race. I met Michael, who ran sub 5 hour! Saw Matthew several times and he had a great day and a big week -- we are looking forward to Umstead. And met Ericka, who was the first woman to finish -- congrats Ericka!

I really owe this PR to another DMer, Shelly. We linked up around mile 15 or so and paced each other to PRs! It was great, we'd take turns leading, she on the dirt roads and fire trails, leading strong on the downhills; I'd take the climbs on the single track. All the while we kept up the chatter and had a good time. Thanks Shelly!

Weather wasn't that bad except for the wind, which was brutal coming across the open fields, but the views were lovely. Wet feet were the order of the day due to four stream crossings and frequent mud but that didn't really cause a problem.

P.S. -- I really don't recommend an hour-long shopping expedition at CostCo after an ultra; but, it's just more time on your feet!

Training Plan Entry


31 mi

Hashawha Hills 50K
