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7.3 mi


8:52 mi

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<No name>


Ran in the morning when I woke up around 10:30. Was a little chilly, but ran anyway. Kept warm with soccer pants and a long sleeve shirt. Started drizzling in the beginning, got a little worse, but then finally cleared up a bit towards the end. Wasn't too bad once I got going, though. Felt refreshing to get back on my runs again.

Training Plan Entry

7.3 mi


Ran in the morning when I woke up around 10:30. Was a little chilly, but ran anyway. Kept warm with soccer pants and a long sleeve shirt. Started drizzling in the beginning, got a little worse, but then finally cleared up a bit towards the end. Wasn't too bad once I got going, though. Felt refreshing to get back on my runs again.
