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6.2 mi


8:05 mi

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Ran at around 5:45pm when I got home from lab. A little cooler out, but still felt good. Stopped and talked to Jenna for 5 minutes and continued the run at about the 30 min mark. Finished off at 6.24 mi and improved the 10k time by 2 minutes (I did get a break halfway though). Overall, feel good about the progress.

Training Plan Entry

6.2 mi


Ran at around 5:45pm when I got home from lab. A little cooler out, but still felt good. Stopped and talked to Jenna for 5 minutes and continued the run at about the 30 min mark. Finished off at 6.24 mi and improved the 10k time by 2 minutes (I did get a break halfway though). Overall, feel good about the progress.
