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3:15 PM

5 km


6:12 mi


78 F

Race Result

56 / 189 (29.6%)


Mediocre performance at best; gave it my all but I think I started to fade pretty bad the last mile because of the long uphill plus the heat and direct sun!; our team came in third which was also a let down because we were expected to be at least top 2 and we were only two points behind second place MLK; Andre was state runner up with a great race in 16:38, Noah 12th in 17:31, Patrick beasted in 18:02 to take 17th, Nathan 49th with a 19:05, and then me; went through the mile in about 5:43 but didn't get a 2 mile split; after I train hard for another few weeks for footlocker, I"m going to train like a mad man over the offseason to keep my spot in the top 5 with Nathan Delk coming in and Danny and Nathan P. also wanting those goal next season will be to take one minute off of whatever my PR is this season so right now is 16:44 with my footlocker performance pending; next race will be next saturday as I am doing the Team Nashville 10 Miler, should be a fun race, yay for long distance!
