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7:02 AM

10 km


6:25 mi


10k race

75 degrees with a 72 dewpoint; honestly a little disappointed with this race-I know it was hilly and very humid and everybody ran slow times but still, I was barely able to go faster than my goal marathon pace for a 10k; started the race off too fast following Jeff Suppinger and Wade Oliver but they started gapping me about 3 miles in and I couldn't catch back up; I was starting to gain on Wade quite a bit toward the end though; I was expecting the hills to not be as bad on the final half but the course just seemed to keep rolling and was tiring me out big time; I was able to muster a mini kick at the end with what I had left; this race had a very nice setup and staging that I was impressed with-I even won a $50 Fleet Feet gift card just for winning my age group plus a trophy and a free pizza from Jet's; not a confidence booster racewise today but I still believe I can dominate the marathon in October-just gotta keep at it in training!
