Run: Progression Previous Next


7:30 AM

10 mi


6:54 mi

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1/2 mile warm-up, 3 miles at 7:20-7:30 pace, 3 miles at 6:50-6:55 pace, 3 miles at 6:20-6:25 pace, 1/2 mile cooldown

Ran out and back from the town center into Sharp Springs for this; I really enjoyed the perfect weather and often found myself speeding up too quickly on the first section but I ended up feeling pretty good throughout; the only thing that didn't go quite right was staying on pace (according to my watch) for the last section; I wasn't feeling bad but trying to keep the pace in the 6:20ish zone was just feeling harder than it should have so I dialed it back just a little in the last couple miles of the final section to stay around marathon pace effort (smooth and in control); I really think this watch lies to me about the pace I'm running so it makes any given pace much harder to run since I'm actually running much faster-I will test out another watch soon to see if this is the case because an accurate watch will be even more important once I start doing marathon pace stuff again in the fall; still an overall solid run today; now just easy running until the half!
