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5 km


5:06 mi


145 lb


52 F


10 / 10
10 / 10
  • Map


15:50.43, PR by 9 seconds

Beautiful day with no wind. Coach told me to be conservative but I knew I only have one shot at weather like this. I've been a little frustrated, felt like coaches have been limiting me and didn't believe I could be up with Holle Boggs or Kent. I really have believed I can beat them lately, and just wanted a chance to hang on and do it. Today just me and Philip running the 5k. Goal was sub 16, beat my PR. Got out way too quick, 35sec 200 and 73sec 400, really fast and came through the mile in 5:04, much faster than I wanted, but I felt really really good. Legs felt strong, kept pushing and kept hearing 76s and 77s so I knew I was on pace. Philip passed me for a brief second but he slowed the pace down too much so I passed him again 200 later. Aggressively kept pushing, focusing on getting to different points on the track and surging. Passed two mile in 10:10, so 5:06 for that one. Kept grinding, last mile was super tough but I knew I was on pace to go sub 16, last 800 was cruising, last 400 pushed hard and homestretch was tough, knowing I was going to be either 50 or 49. Should have sprinted through the line a little more. Great finish though. 9 second PR. Phil was only 5 seconds behind too. Wally was really happy. I think this gives me a lot of freedom to stick with Holle and Boggs in future races, I think I proved myself there. Ran mentally tough which I was really happy about. God is really good!

5:04, 5:06, 5:07, 35
