Run: Long Previous Next


6:43 AM

16 mi


13:55 mi


70 F


8 / 10
8 / 10
  • Map


I gave this run an effort of 8 because for some reason when I crossed under Montano that damn monkey jumped on my back and never got off. It started with the feelings that I had to poo so I did and felt better but something in my brain just went ugh! I think I let the distance get to my head because when I did 14 I felt great and had an absolutely wonderful run. Today we had better weather but my brain wasn't in the game. I'm almost wondering if it was because I worked yesterday. I'm normally off on Fridays so I'm not completely spent for the Saturday long runs. I wouldn't be surprised at all if that has a lot to do with it. Then at mile 11 I was expecting to see some water for us but the water jug was empty and I was bone dry except for about 4 ounces of my Cytomax. I called the guys for some water to let them know and two of the other coaches put water out on the course and a couple of the guys rode their bikes up and down giving out water. They were lifesavers. I'm so glad I had my phone on me.

I'm glad I did the run and I have the miles under my belt. I'm not happy with my performance but that's not really the point of a long training run anyway. Next time I'm going to be bound and determined to have my mind and body in the game so it will go better. I'm just going to write it off as one of those runs because that's exactly what it was. The next one will be better.

Mile 1 13:12

Mile 2 13:13

Mile 3 13:00 (pit stop)

Mile 4 13:01

Mile 5 14:12 (stopped to fill water this is also where the monkey jumped on)

Mile 6 13:20

Mile 7 13:18

Mile 8 13:48

Mile 9 14:38 (pit stop)

Mile 10 14:00

Mile 11 14:00

Mile 12 14:29 (stopped at the nature center for water from a spigot--don't know if it was drinkable or not)

Mile 13 14:27

Mile 14 14:05

Mile 15 15:21 (the guys caught up with me and gave me fresh water here. YAY!!!!)

Mile 16 14:19
