Run: Easy Previous Next


7:24 AM

9.1 mi


14:23 mi


166 lb


75 F


5 / 10
9 / 10


I have no idea what my true heart rate was on this run. The monitor wasn't picking it up as well as it should have so that's why I'm not logging it. This was a good run. I had enough energy left in the last two miles that I was able to pick up the pace and then the last mile I picked it up for .8 and then did a cooldown for the remainder to round it out. I don't know where that energy came from but it was nice. Maybe it was my body telling me that it's now OK to pick things up every once in a while. Either way this was a fantastic run and I'm extremely pleased with how it went. I did have a little ITB problem but I think it all stems back to Monday's 1 mile "race". It's getting better every time that I run and I've made sure to keep it fairly easy except for the fast finishes.

Mile 1 13:37

Mile 2 13:54

Mile 3 14:21

Mile 4 14:35

Mile 5 15:41 (we stopped at the water for a while and the turn around was here also)

Mile 6 15:27 (stopped for more water and to eat gels)

Mile 7 14:32

Mile 8 14:08 (this is where I started to break away in the last half mile)

Mile 9 13:13 (picked it up here, last part was cooldown..maxed out at 10:47mm!!)

.08 12:46
