Run: Easy Previous Next


8:34 AM

8.2 mi


15:31 mi


166 lb
152 bpm
170 bpm



5 / 10
9 / 10
  • Map



This actually turned out to be a pretty good run. We started at SIPI and ran out on Paseo to Alameda then south on Alameda to Montano. When we reached Montano, it was already pretty freaking hot so we crossed the little foot bridge there and ran on the east side trail that was covered in trees. It wasn't flat but being in the shade provided just the right amount of relief that we needed from the sun. Plus it was nice to not be running on rocks, we were on sand trails.

The girl I was running with started to have a hard time in the last few miles so I slowed to make sure she was OK and we walked a good amount as well.

Mile 1 14:04 144

Mile 2 14:30 154

Mile 3 14:53 157

Mile 4 14:40 159

Mile 5 16:18 147 (the trail started here, I also stopped here and talked to Larry and got water)

Mile 6 15:00 156

Mile 7 18:13 147 (did a lot of walking and stopped to talk to someone)

Mile 8 16:22 151

.24 14:54 156
