Run: Tempo Previous Next


14 km


3:45 km

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Tough workout and glad to be done, but I am pleased with the results. Felt good to go fast for the most part, although I feel like this run owned me in parts more than I owned it. For the last few hard tempo runs it has typically felt the other way around. The heat could have been part of it though too, even though it was not outside, the room was still hot and I lost about 3 kg in sweat. I usually don't stop during these runs, but I was forced to when I started increasing the speed for kilometer 10, because the sweat on the controls caused the treadmill to keep increasing speed and I could not reverse it. I had to stop and reset it for the last 5k. A bit frustrating, but the water break was nice.

First 9k done at 3:46 pace; last 5k splits were 3:42 / 3:42 / 3:40 / 3:39 / 3:36.
