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6:15 PM

1200 m


4:22 mi

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<No name>


Conference 1200 leg of DMR. 63, 67, 65. The first 500 meters I felt amazing, like I was floating, like I was running on clouds. It was so cool. I took the lead immediately until 400 left. Wheaton passed me and cut me off. I started kicking with 300 left. Took lead again with. 250 left. With 100 left Wheaton passed again, cut off again, I pushed him again, but this time. I went backwards and lost all momentum. I fought to get back but the damage was done. I should have stayed behind him with 150 left then blew his doors off. Next time. I will work on my kick in strides too. Everyone was proud of how I ran though because I was fearless and took the lead. We. ended up getting third, fun conference experience though.
