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3:30 PM

800 m


4:24 mi

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<No name>


First Fun Trial. It was lonely and slow. Started off really well, was feeling good but the third hundred really sucked for some reason. I had no idea if I was running too slow or not, just lack of experience. Coming down the home stretch I kicked it in and was like oh shit I have a lot left, well this is going to be slow. But that's okay because I didn't care about that. I just wanted to spike up and have some fun and I accomplished that. Looking at the data from my Garmin I never really picked it up like I should on the second lap, again alone and inexperienced. The 800 is 98% of what you got and I just didn't run at that threshold. A bit of change of plans for next week, plan on doing a 1500 hopefully with Chappy and Sebaz. Fun experience, legs felt awesome, probably could have done two more laps! We will see how I really feel tomorrow but I mean it just wasn't fast enough to do any damage. Lungs also were great once I settled in. A lot to be happy about from this experience.


Zach Chapman

Use this as feedback and don't get hung up on the outcome. Take what you learned from this and apply it to your training. You are raising your miles which is good since you are getting ready for cross and that will have an affect on these shorter, quicker races. But keep that in are training now for cross.


Great job. And Everything he said ^^