Run: Interval Previous Next


4:00 PM

4 mi


5:42 mi

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<No name>


Mile intervals on the track. 5:39, 5:32, 5:45, 5:58. I blew up half way through the third mile. I didn't think I could even run the last mile, it was very mentally taxing. I started doing strides and after every one my heart would race and my breathing would be heavy. Then after the 4th one my vision started going black, I could feel my throat closing up, and I had troubling breathing. That never happened before lol so that was kinda scary. I told coach Sinnott and he said just walk back to res and drink some Gatorade and get a good dinner so I did. Lesson - I know I do not perform well in the heat so I should back off at least on the first two mile intervals. I still would want to keep my tempo as I believe I lack endurance so that will help me the most with that.
