Run: Easy Previous Next


9:00 PM

7 mi


2 / 10
7 / 10
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<No name>


Started to run my Bailey-E. River-Jefferson-John loop (BERJJ or Berjj loop, maybe "Bird" if I want to make a stretch?) but I had to cut It and run a different way when I felt un dolor en mi estomago.

Ate too close to running :-( :-( :-( And I got a tummy ache 25 minutes into it. So I stopped twice (once to poop and another to faux poop). I was running at a good pace in the early part of the run (6:40-6:50) but I don't know what the actual time of the run was since I forgot to stop/start my watch a couple of times.

Legs felt relatively good though and the run was not bad if you exclude the GI issues.
