Run: Honest Previous Next


6:00 PM

7.3 mi


6:35 mi



With Stin, Mastandrea, and Gary. 3 Snakes and 2 Cardiacs. Gary dropped after 20 min and Nick after 30. It was a very good day for me and Stin. Caf hinted that he wanted 3 Cardiacs but we ran out of time (50 min cap). Also, we were only supposed to take it a moderate 6:50-6:45 today, it it was closer to 6:30, so Stin made the executive decision that he didn’t have to do another Cardiac because he had already worked hard to stay with the pace the whole run 🙃.

We did 5 strides at 90% about 1/2 way up Cardiac.

Went to the beach after also.
