Run: Tempo Previous Next


6:25 AM

6.2 mi


7:50 mi


26 F
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<No name>


TEMPO RUN...6.2 MILES TOTAL RUNNING. first 2 miles warm up, then 3.7 miles tempo then half a mile cooldown. pretty much the same results as last sunday and the sunday before except I ran my 2 mile warm up a little slower since I wasn't looking forward to the tempo part. 7:28 per mile for the 3.7 mile tempo part which according to McMillan is too slow. I should be doing 7 to 7:15 pace but still haven't for the past 3 tempos. Maybe next week I'll try just 2.5 miles of the run at the tempo part. I still don't like these Tempo runs at all. long sleave, vest, tights and very heavy mittens.
