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7:40 AM

25.7 mi


12:10 mi


190 lb


48 F


48 F when I left, 67 F when I got back. Very sunny, kind of harsh.

Was actually trying to go 26.2, but misjudged the route (thought 13.1 was at the beginning of Peccary, not at the end!) Whatever, probably just as well.

At the half way point (here, 12.84 miles) time was 2:10:30 not bad, a 10:10 pace. Around mile 18 or 19, I just crashed. Legs were dead. Possibly lack of salt. I drank only water, save for about 4 oz of Gatorade at mile 14.5.

I ate a PB&J sandwich on wheat around mile 14.5. Probably would have helped to have had something earlier as well. The PB&J did kick in and I ran a solid 1.5 miles or so around 19ish. Other than that though, mainly walked the last seven miles or so.
