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6:10 AM

16.3 mi


12:01 mi


190 lb


70 F
  • Map


Disregard pace info. Went out to do 22, ended up with what we have here. Attempted to do two laps of the 11 mile loop. First 11 went well, paced just slower than 10 mm. Very humid during first 11 miles. Temp was in the low 70's but humidity must have been 90% or higher. Very hard to sweat for the first half, but sun wasn't really up yet. I think I drank too much at the stop off at the apartment. Also ate some pumpkin bread. Not sure if it was the bread or the amount, but it stuck in my stomach like a brick. Pumpkin bread = bad idea.

Second lap was hotter since the sun had come up. No clouds and still very humid. Started to get queasy. The final 5.31 miles were run/walk with mostly walking. Gave up and turned around when I couldn't go much more than 1/2 mile without feeling nauseous. Basically, perfect storm generated a crap run.
