
Date Activity ▲ Course Type Distance Duration Pace  
5/10/2009 Run
Highgate - to the gym
Easy 0.6 mi 5:25 8:53
5/10/2009 Run
Highgate - to the gym
Easy 0.6 mi 5:23 8:50
5/13/2009 Run
Highgate - to the gym
Easy 0.6 mi 5:42 9:21
5/13/2009 Run
Highgate - to the gym
Easy 0.6 mi 5:38 9:15
5/20/2009 Run
Highgate - to the gym
Easy 0.6 mi 5:40 9:18
5/20/2009 Run
Highgate - to the gym
Easy 0.6 mi 5:47 9:29