Run: Long Previous Next


2:45 PM

15.1 mi


7:23 mi


175 lb


37 F


4 / 10
10 / 10
  • Map


amazing long run. started out nice and slow, but then picked it up when i got to the flat part next to the huron, trying to slowly reel in this runner ahead of my. then i cut back the effort a bit and let the speed come to me in time (i didn't want to burn out). once i got on dixboro, i felt the speed start to come, so i just let it come when it wanted to but i never let it leave. plymouth was downhill and that was a blast. traver was really when i started to pick it up a little more and it started to hurt. and, of course, when i hit the bottom of the hill and was on broadway, i knew i had to pick it up even more if i wanted to make it home before 1:52 (so i could beat 7:30/mi). so i did. and it was great. my form was together, my breathing was solid, footfalls were light... everything was working. didn't make it easy, but it definitely made it easier. i feel less guilty for not running yesterday.

i had a bowl of oatmeal and an orange a few hours prior. and now for dinner, imma have a dozen half-shell clams and some of the rum mash which tastes like a white wine
