Run: Easy Previous Next


1:00 PM

7.4 mi


7:25 mi


74 F


5 / 10
7 / 10


average day. i feel like i'm missing some speed. probably because i haven't done a run of this caliber in a long time, and there are some nasty hills involved in rollercoaster. right knee did not feel good around 4.5 miles in. sharp pain just below my knee cap. it felt better as I went faster, but faster wasn't really an option. hmmmmmm. i stopped at 4.5 since i was afraid it was getting worse as I ran on it more. stopped, recovered, then carried on. need to ice today. should do that now. i'm upset i'm not icing right now, actually. after the run, i went to see mike and xtine. got back robin's controller, but i left it there.

Training Plan Entry

7.5 mi

average day
