Run: Fartlek Previous Next


5:30 PM

4.7 mi


8:19 mi

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i kept going for another lap around the complex to make it in the 40-50 range.

the run was alright. i expected not to feet super today after yesterdays run. my joints felt stiff and i felt kinda clumsy. decided i would treat myself to being in the lower range today. i planned on doing the usual holman/main st combo but after the hill on maple i didnt want to deal with the hill on main st, so i just did an out and back. i started feeling better about 30 minutes in, but i didnt want to chance anything by going longer. ill probably do in the higher end of tomorrows range in the morning before work if i can drag myself out of bed. tomorrow will definitely be a recovery day, hopefully i can start slow and gradually build up to sub 8:20.

it was super hot today, i think it was the hottest its been so far. today was a fartlek, so i gave, myself the first 15 minutes as a warmup, and then did my 30 seconds with 1:30 rest starting at 15. so each of the 8x:30 was in a 2 minute set. so i picked it up to 5K pace at 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, and 29 mintues in. the first few were a little iffy, so i decided to do the last lap around the complex at a faster pace. i also felt better at the end of the run than i did at the beginning and wanted to make sure i got the quality in.


1mi 8:58

Monroe 1.64mi in 14:45, overall pace: 9:00, split pace: 9:03 (0.64mi in 5:47)

Turn around 2.23mi in 20:21, overall pace: 9:08 , split pace: 9:30 (0.59mi in 5:36)

Sherwood Middle, mile mark, 3.62mi in 31:05, overall pace: 8:36, split pace: 7:07 (1.51mi in 10:44)

Back at APT 4.74mi in 39:25, overall pace: 8:19, split pace: 7:27 (1.12mi in 8:20)

*End of run 4.94mi in 40:43, overall pace: 8:15, split pace: 6:30 (0.2mi in 1:18)
