Run: Recovery Previous Next


9:00 AM

4.3 mi


8:34 mi


today's run felt so much worse than 8:34 pace. for a few runs last week when running felt tough it was my breathing more than anything, my legs felt fine and energized for most of last week. today was the polar opposite. my breathing was fine, but my legs were not in the mood today. i felt like i was running on stilts or something. it felt like pumping my arms was the only way to get my legs moving faster. anyway, it was a rough one. i definitely expected a pace over 9:00, so 8:34 makes me content.

also, at random parts of the run my legs would feel suddenly exhausted, and then suddenly energized. i bet in actually most of the run was a fartlek between sub 8 pace and over 9 minute pace, and it just evened out to 8:34. at least that's what it felt like.

lastly, today i noticed that the side of my quad is super sore. i didnt feel it during the indoor run. i first felt it during lunges in the leg doing the lunging. im thinking by IT band might be tight. i rolled it out after running. i also felt it during lift doing the one leg box squats. also- going up stairs is not fun. whenever the leg doing the stepping flexes it hurts. anyways, im hoping some ice will make it better. and at least it's both legs! i'd be more concerned if it was just one leg feeling this way.
