Run: Recovery Previous Next


6:30 PM

6.5 mi


8:29 mi

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50-60 minutes and 5x:10 HS


1mi in 8:45, overall pace: 8:45, split pace: 8:45

1.53mi in 13:44, overall pace: 8:59, split pace: 9:25 (0.53mi in 4:59)

1.92mi in 16:44 holman, overall pace: 8:43, split pace: 7:42 (0.39mi in 3:00)

3.93mi in 33:30 holman, overall pace: 8:32, split pace: 8:21 (2.01mi in 16:46)

4.34mi in 37:20 spring, overall pace: 8:37, split pace: 9:21 (0.41mi in 3:50 )

4.59mi in 39:30 prospect, overall pace: 8:37, split pace: 8:40 (0.25mi in 2:10)

4.89mi in 42:04 intersection, overall pace: 8:37, split pace: 8:34 (0.3mi in 2:34)

6.54mi in 55:26 end of route, overall pace: 8:29, split pace: 8:07 (1.65mi in 13:22)

6.74mi in 57:02 to bottom of hill, overall pace: 8:28, split pace: 8:00 (0.2mi in 1:36)

8x15 sec hill sprints, supposed to be 5x10 sec oops. i remembered about 10 minutes into the run that i didnt check the details of the hill sprints. for some reason 8x15 sec sounded right, so that's what i did. better than doing too little i suppose.

lately ive been thinking about running during my runs, and that can get really tiring. so today my goal was to not think about running. i ran the dean park trail which was nice, even though its short. hopefully i can explore prospect park soon. prospect seems more fun.

tomorrow im getting myself back into routine by waking up for an early run!
