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<No name>


Well since I hurt my ankle, things have kind of been crazy. I'm craving high mileage right now and I want to be an animal. Was planning to do a vo2 max today and just screw my ankle but we had a staff meeting go long and I missed my time slot to do the vo2. Thought about doing a tempo but then I realized that maybe I should just use today to let my ankle completely heal. I also need to do more strengthening for it obviously. So i'm going to take a couple days (will probs run 14 or so sunday) and then hit 100 next week if my body is up for it (which it should be). I think that these few days off will actually really help my running and I think by the time next week comes, I will be a new animal since my body will be able to catch up with itself and recovery properly. So although I wish I was grinding, I might have needed this to become a better runner.
