Bike: Easy Previous Next


21.4 mi


17.45 mi / hr


191 lb
156 bpm
170 bpm
47 bpm


72 F


5 / 10
9 / 10


TO WORK leg ==> Time: 37:29, Distance: 10.662, average speed: 17.07

Temp: 72° AVG HR: 158, MAX: 174

A rough, disorganized, rushed start to get out this morning. I need to get up earlier and I need to be more organized getting out of the house. I didn't leave until a few minutes past 7:30 which gave me only just enough time to get to work before they closed the bathroom with the shower, at 8:15. So, I rode like a bat out of hell the whole way. My HR suffered significantly. I was also a little tired and sore in the legs from my run on Sunday. I am still confused by that. Either way, the weather was GREAT, so I enjoyed riding in.

TO HOME leg ==> Time: 35:56, Distance: 10.688, average speed: 17.85

Temp: 72° AVG HR: 153, MAX: 165

I thought the weather was going to SUCK for the ride home, but the thunderstorms cleared off by the time I was ready to leave, and it was actually PERFECT. A much more organized trip than in the morning. I thought I was going to be way too tired to actually enjoy the ride, but I was WAY OFF. Not only was I not even remotely as tired as I expected, I was really FAST. My HR was low, the weather was nice, I was real fast: A GREAT RIDE!!

Sleep: decent (bed at 11:00pm, wake at 6:30am)

Mood: a bit on the out of sorts side

Physical: legs were REAL sore

Clothes: (to work) shorts, blue Asics shortsleeve (perfect)

(back home) shorts, blue Asics shortsleeve (perfect)
