Bike: Tempo Previous Next


6:30 AM

15.2 mi


18.54 mi / hr


Felt F75


181 lb
143 bpm
159 bpm
46 bpm


70 F


8 / 10
4 / 10


Time: 0:49:19, Distance: 15.24, average speed: 18.54

Temp: 70° AVG HR: 143, MAX: 159

Bike portion o the BRICK for today. I had every intention of making this a hard, fast workout. It didn't happen. I tried, but my legs just didn't want to cooperate. I was tired, did not have a lot of energy and pretty much just gave up trying real hard part-way through. I was obviously feeling the effect of the big workouts from the weekend and I realized that I didn't want to completely screw myself on effort in preparation for the TRI this weekend. The ride was a mess for other reasons too. I wore the yellow safety-glasses and they kept fogging over in the humidity, so I put them up on my helmet, where they were not real secure and they subsequently fell off. I had to stop and go back for them. Then when I was coming down University Ave towards East, my bike computer spontaneously reset itself. That pissed me off, because it is not the first time that that has happened. I need to consider a new one. Not a good ride, overall, but it didn't feel awful either.

Again, I was really not interested in practicing the transition, but I did want to try to make it a little bit quicker. I did the transition in the garage this time, so that I had to take the time to rack my bike up on the wall. I then tried to pick up the pace changing shoes. It took me 59 seconds before I was started running. This is better.

Sleep: decent (bed at 11:30pm, wake at 6:00am)

Mood: eh

Physical: legs were sore and tired

Clothes: Zoot tri shorts, red RRS shirt (hot and sweaty)
