Bike: Easy Previous Next


10:30 PM

8.6 mi


20.66 mi / hr


Felt F75


138 bpm
156 bpm
45 bpm
  • Map


0:25:00.0 0:25:00.0 AVG HR 138 CADENCE: 90

workout AVG HR 138

A short ride in the basement because Abby was still out of town and I wasn't able to get many workouts in lately. I didn't want to be exercising so late, but I wanted to get in the workout. I think I got a good workout after all. I am not used to riding, so it was a little weird, but good.

Sleep: yuck (bed at 3am, awake at 9:30am)

Mood: grrr. aggravated

Physical: no complaints

Clothes: black Nashbar cycle-shorts, red RRS shortsleeve (hot and sweaty)
