Swim: Open Water Previous Next


11:30 AM

1 mi


1:28 / 100yd


180 lb
129 bpm
142 bpm
46 bpm


75 F


5 / 10
6 / 10


1 Lap of the Buoys at Kershaw Park in Canandaigua

This was part of my LONG LONG day. I rode my bike to the park to swim then had to ride home after, so I basically went out to swim, but was not even remotely interested in anything more than a long, slow, easy swim. Today, the water temperature was listed as 74º. The wind was out of the south also, so there was a considerable amount of chop on the water today. Even from the shore this seemed daunting. The water was definitely a bit chilly, but still quite comfortable once I was in and swimming. Right off the bat I felt the effect of the waves. They were beating me up pretty good. WIthout the wetsuit it felt even worse. I just kept on swimming and did the best I could. I really wasn't intending to try real hard here, so that was kind of good and bad at the same time. Because I was going slow I could stop every so often and not worry about my time, but since I was going slow it seemed I was getting bashed around a lot by the waves. Not a bad swim, just not perfect. I guess I have to get used to this, because the water conditions for Triathlons aren't always going to be great.

First lap: 25:35 (back to the beach, no wetsuit this time, just swim shorts)

Sleep: (see previous)

Mood: eh

Physical: legs were a little tired
