Bike: Easy Previous Next


5:00 PM

21.3 mi


16.22 mi / hr


191 lb
150 bpm
168 bpm
47 bpm


54 F


7 / 10
5 / 10


TO WORK leg ==> Time: 42:29, Distance: 10.625, average speed: 15.01

Temp: 54° AVG HR: 153, MAX: 168

WIND!!! Right off the bat I knew the wind was going to be a problem today. I just didn't realize how much of an effect it was going to have. I felt pretty good at the start, a little tired, but optimistic still. Then the wind took everything out of me. I was working REAL HARD to try to keep up the usual pace, and it just wouldn't work. Sections that I am usually going 18-21mph I was down to 15-17. AND that was working HARD; my HR was high the whole way. I kind of just gave in to the wind about half way. I then got to work and realized that I never got my badge out of the car. Then to top it all off they were cleaning the bathroom when I got here, so I had to sit in my office for an hour before I could shower.

TO HOME leg ==> Time: 36:09, Distance: 10.634, average speed: 17.7

Temp: 54° AVG HR: 148, MAX: 164

Riding home was way easier. I was way more relaxed to start with, since things just kinda came together as I was leaving, and it was REALLY obvious that I was going down-wind. It was much easier to maintain a consistently fast speed without having to work very hard at all. I didn't pay much attention to my HR, since I was much more intent on watching my speedometer. I was able to maintain above 20mph for a number of portions of the ride home. I ended up making it home in record time, just past 36 minutes. This was a good ride.

Sleep: decent, but way too short (bed at 2:30am, wake at 6:30am)

Mood: grouchy and tired

Physical: tired

Clothes: (to work) shorts, black compression shirt, PearlIzumi jacket

(back home) shorts, black compression shirt, PearlIzumi jacket
