Run: Tempo (165-170) Previous Next


2:45 PM

5 mi


7:35 mi


178.5 lb
163 bpm
179 bpm
45 bpm


60 F


10 / 10
9 / 10


07:37.0 0:07:37.0 AVG HR 144

07:38.0 0:15:15.0 AVG HR 165

07:53.0 0:23:08.0 AVG HR 167

07:51.0 0:30:59.0 AVG HR 167

06:56.0 0:37:56.0 AVG HR 171

workout AVG HR 163

Today I wanted to repeat the same length of run as Thursday, but this time I wanted to try to maintain a somewhat even pace/effort for the whole way. A tempo run. I started out with an effort that was pretty quick, but hopefully not too fast as to not repeat this pace for the rest of the run. I did well until I got to about the half-way point, then I started struggling a little bit. I kept the pace pretty well though, only falling off 15 seconds per mile. I picked it up for the fourth mile and then decided to push the last mile. This one hurt a little bit. I pushed, but it was NOT an all out effort. I definitely held back a little, and it was hurting a bit by this point. I still made it in under 7 minutes though. Overall I am very impressed with this.

Sleep: not good (bed at 12:30pm, awake at about 7:00am after waking up a number of times during the night)

Mood: eh

Physical: no complaints

Clothes: light blue Nike shorts, yellow Firecracker short-sleeve, red fleet feet hat (perfect)
