Bike: Long Previous Next


9:00 AM

30.5 mi


16.79 mi / hr


Felt F75


194 lb
155 bpm
171 bpm
50 bpm


75 F


8 / 10
8 / 10


Time: 1:49:03, Distance: 30.51, average speed: 16.79

Temp: 75° AVG HR: 155, MAX: 171

Today I just wanted to get OUTSIDE on a ride for once. Every other ride has been downstairs in the basement on the stationary trainer. That's not as much fun, nor quite as good of an exercise as getting outside and riding on real roads. Today I may have gone a bit too far though, but I wanted to push myself a little bit, since the trainer doesn't allow me to do that quite so much. The ride was pretty good, but I am definitely behind in bike fitness. The first half, or more, of this ride is pretty much uphill, so it isn't much fun, but once you get through that, then the last 8-10 miles are downhill and you can get going at a pretty good clip. I was over 30mph multiple times on this ride, but there were a TON of pretty good size hills that I was <10mph. So it kind of evened out. I had a lot of fun today, actually riding on roads. A great ride overall!

Sleep: decent (bed at 11:30am, wake at 7:30am)

Mood: tired, but motivated

Physical: a little tired from last night's swim, but OK

Clothes: black Trek shorts, Livestrong shortsleeve (good)
