Bike: Easy Previous Next


5:30 PM

12.3 mi


13.36 mi / hr


192 lb
152 bpm
171 bpm
52 bpm


68 F


3 / 10
7 / 10


WITH Aidan in trailer

Good ride today. I got out of work at a decent hour today and decided to jump on the bike and pick Aidan up from school in the trailer. I decided to take the long way home after picking him up. The ride was definitely a big difference from the normal route. Way more hills. Bub had to go potty when we were on the canal path so that prompted a bit of a detour. Actually a really cool detour, since the path I thought was a shortcut ended up being a nice trail which led out to French Road. Lots of fun. Perfect weather too!

Sleep: decent (bed at 12:00am, wake at 7:00am)

Mood: energetic

Physical: a bit on the tired side

Clothes: new black Trek shorts, green shortsleeve shirt (perfect)
