Run: Tempo (165-170) Previous Next


7:15 AM

6.1 mi


7:53 mi


181 lb
163 bpm
175 bpm
44 bpm


66 F


2 / 10
9 / 10


07:40.0 0:07:40.0 AVG HR 147

07:20.0 0:15:00.0 AVG HR 166

08:48.0 0:23:48.0 AVG HR 161

08:09.0 0:31:57.0 AVG HR 168

08:45.0 0:40:42.0 AVG HR 163

07:19.0 0:48:01.0 AVG HR 171

workout AVG HR 163

No Aidan No Stroller

No Greta

Good run today. Not great, like I wanted, but good. I tried something new today for my 'fast' days. I intended today to be a "Tempo" day, but split the miles up to get an average 165bpm HR. The first, third and fifth miles were 160 bpm, the others were 170bpm. (kind of an extended FARTLEK.) This was kind of nice, because I got a little bit of a break. The problem was I slowed WAY down in the 160bpm miles, in order to let my HR come down. I was a little tired today, not enough sleep also, so that may have played a part. The 'faster' miles felt really good though. Next time I do this, it will be a shorter overall distance, so that I can try to sustain the fastfast pace. ~NICE!
