Bike: Easy Previous Next


5:00 PM

19.6 mi


18.28 mi / hr


Felt F75


181 lb
150 bpm
164 bpm
45 bpm


49 F


5 / 10
6 / 10


Time: 1:04:28, Distance: 19.64, average speed: 18.28

Temp: 49° AVG HR: 150, MAX: 164

First (outside) bike ride of the season. It was in the 50's today, so I decided late in the day that I wanted to go out and ride. I have done a few workouts on the trainer in the basement and I need to start riding more often, so this was a perfect opportunity. I felt pretty good for the beginning section, until I got to the canal path and turned into the wind. The ride up the canal path to Genesee Valley park is ever-so-slightly uphill but it felt like it was straight up today because the wind was blowing at about 15-20mph right into my face. It made for a pretty discouraging ride. The section from Alexander to Allen's Creek was fun though, since this part was down-wind. I was able to sustain over 30mph in this section. Overall, I think that this ride was decent, especially considering it was the first one outside this year.

Sleep: decent (bed at 1:00am, wake at 8:30am)

Mood: eh

Physical: legs were a little tight

Clothes: Nashbar bike shorts, blue Nike short-sleeve, blue Pearl Izumi jacket (perfect)
