Bike: Easy Previous Next


7:15 AM

21.3 mi


17.08 mi / hr


189.5 lb
151 bpm
162 bpm
47 bpm


72 F


TO WORK leg ==> Time: 38:05, Distance: 10.685, average speed: 16.83

Temp: 61° AVG HR: 152, MAX: 162

A much more organized and relaxed start today. I didn't feel rushed getting out since I got started early enough, and I didn't have to worry. The start of the ride felt real good, no physical complaints at all. It continued that way until about 1/3 to 1/2 way when I started feeling tired, like I had done more exercise this week than many other weeks preceeding. I was actually pretty whipped by the time I got to work. Not terrible, just felt tired. Good ride though, nice and cool, no problems.

TO HOME leg ==> Time: 36:52, Distance: 10.656, average speed: 17.34

Temp: 75° AVG HR: 151, MAX: 162

A nice ride home. I got out of work a little earlier than I expected, so I had no rush or hurry to get home. I started out immediately feeling tired. My legs were like rubber. I didn't want to push it anyway, so this was kind of good. The weather was perfect also, so I just enjoyed it. It ended up great.

Sleep: decent (bed at 11:00pm, wake at 6:30am)

Mood: a bit on the out of sorts side

Physical: legs were REAL sore

Clothes: (to work) shorts, green RRS shortsleeve (perfect)

(back home) shorts, green RRS shortsleeve (perfect)
