Bike: Easy Previous Next


8:00 AM

25.8 mi


16.01 mi / hr


193 lb
146 bpm
166 bpm
47 bpm


61 F


7 / 10
8 / 10


Time: 1:36:50, Distance: 25.837, average speed: 16.01

Temp: 61° AVG HR: 146, MAX: 166

Today was the first time I did a "long" ride. I have pretty much only ever ridden to and from work or in the basement on the trainer. I have been trying to schedule a weekend long ride, but it hasn't worked out. This should kick start that habit in a hurry. I had a lot of fun on this ride, even though I felt tired pretty much right from the start. That's because May has been such a poor month for exercise. This course was fun also. The canal/river path is a nice ride, leading towards downtown. Then the course turns urban, with a nice downhill all the way on University and East Ave. The end is a bit rough on Monroe because it is a pretty good UPHILL. A great ride overall!

Sleep: decent (bed at 12:30am, wake at 7:30am)

Mood: tired, but motivated

Physical: a little tired in the legs from yesterday's run

Clothes: shorts, blue Asics short-sleeve shirt, PearlIzumi jacket (good at the start, then took the jacket off for the last 10 miles)
