Bike: Hill Previous Next


6:15 AM

15.9 mi


18.61 mi / hr


Felt F75


178.5 lb
142 bpm
47 bpm


74 F


6 / 10
2 / 10


Time: 0:51:14, Distance: 15.89, average speed: 18.61

Temp: 72° AVG HR: 142, MAX: 199 (?)

All I wanted was a good mid-distance ride today. I woke up late, I was not in a good mood and I just couldn't get going today. I knew it was going to be "one of those days". I actually took the time to edit an existing course to shorten it up a bit, because I was short on time. I didn't take the time to look at the map closely, I just trusted the Google maps. I should have checked. The route planner on this site took me up Clover Street, and it thought that I could go all the way up Clover to Blossom, but there is no way across the railroad tracks. I found this out the hard way. I ended up going back to Penfield Road and down to North Landing. I also had an issue with my helmet not being very comfortable this morning. I don't know what the problem was, but it was biting me in the back of the head, pretty good. I stopped to fix the helmet before turning back onto Penfield road. For the rest of the ride I was just angry and irritated and I didn't really enjoy the ride at all. I did try to work the hills pretty hard though. I had more luck with the hill on Penfield Road coming back from Panorama Trail than I did with the hill on Blossom Road. Up Blossom I was down about 9-10mph for just about all of it, but up Penfield Road I was able to sustain 14mph for the first half of the hill before I got tired and slowed down to 10-11mph. This is decent. I need to hit some more hills though, and work them over and over and over, hard. After all, I am glad to have gotten out and done the miles, but it was NOT a good ride.

Sleep: decent (bed at 11:00pm, wake at 5:45am)


Physical: tired

Clothes: Nashbar bike shorts, black DeMarchi sleeveless shirt (perfect)
