Run: Interval Previous Next


8:55 AM

3.3 mi


6:21 mi


170 lb


75 F


8 / 10
8 / 10
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This felt like a good workout for me. Did some nice long repeats at my hopeful race pace. Based on this run, I think I have a shot at running a similar pace in a 5k, which gives me some hope.

First two intervals felt identical, which is comfortably hard. I knew I was going to be tired at the end of either one, but didn't have any probably completing them.

The third interval became quite a bit harder as I reached the final quarter mile or so. I just tried to keep my legs moving, and it looks like my pace ended up being about as dead even steady as I could have been, given the length of the run and the fact that I don't have any marked distances mid-run to guage my speed.

I felt like I was running the third interval "taller" if that makes any sense, and at the beginning of the interval that felt smoother, and more relaxed, but it became a bit of a struggle later. It is hard to tell, however, if that is due to the change in form, or the accumulated fatigue at that time. I'll have to experiment with my form a little bit to judge it better.

Although I feel comfortable now running this speed, I don't feel like I have another gear ahead of this one, which is worrisome. Perhaps some shorter interval work will help me find that, as I know I can go (have gone) faster, but I just don't feel it right now. Basically I feel like I don't have a sprint speed, only a fast long run speed. Something else to work at, I suppose.
