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10:00 AM

5 mi


6:00 mi


Nike (4)

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COMMENTS: Lafayette Invitational 5-Mile, quite possible the worst race of my life... pretty hilly course with long grass so it was guaranteed to be slow... gunned for 5:30 pace with Skanks and Pete, which we did with a first mile split of 5:25... things went downhill from there as I started falling off them halfway through the second mile... 5:55 second mile for 11:20 total and I was easily 5 secs behind those two, who were also dying but not as much as me... 5:54 third mile put me at 17:14 and about 10 secs behind the guys... this was the last half-decent mile as I simply stopped trying... 6:23 third mile with a walking break (maybe 5 secs), by which point Pete broke away from Skanks and he died even worse than me, to end up only a few secs ahead... then the fifth mile was simply unbelievable (since it was all flat) in 6:20 with 4 or so dudes passing me in the finishing straight for a final time of 29:57, good enough for 89th place... did not really care about anything after I fell off the guys, which showed a complete lack of focus since I knew coming in that I was in shape to run 28 on this sucker... 8th of the 8 guys running this race... Skanks finished 16 seconds ahead of me... gotta go out easier and learn to hold on to people-- can't be a pussy in races
